texnoforge is being summoned into existence ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Half a year remains until the official texnoforge launch but The Forge already projects itself onto the material world! We have basic infrastructure in place including this humble server on texnoforge.dev domain and a source control/CI system to host our spectacular creations.

We also started to explore and familiarize ourselves with our future tools of trade - most notably Unreal Engine 4 and its impressive visual blueprint programming language.

The best way to learn something is to simply do it. And thus we started first texnoforge prototypes in order to explore the true power of tools we intend to use to create virtual worlds that never were before.

I started with a simple game about controlling primeval helicopter where I tackled fundamental Unreal Engine concepts and tools and I'm thoroughly impressed by the amount of power and flexibility provided out of the box. Blueprints visual/graph language is almost surprisingly pleasant to use even though I've been writing code the old school way with vim past decade. It's actually so good we decided to go full blueprint and only include C++ on demand.

Behold a screenshot!